Li Lorian, Foto: Marc Villanueva Mir

Li Lorian »Three Biographies which are not mine – On Ethical Questions of Embodiment in the Sphere of Performance«

Öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe »The Short Now«
Mittwoch, 02.12.2020 | 18:00 – 19:00 Uhr | Orchesterprobenraum

A Jewish miracle-worker, a Lebanese resistance fighter and an anarchist punk-band try to change a light bulb. No, no. They try to change the world. A story which ends: …and it started raining on the weary land. A biography which starts: I was born in Beirut. A song that goes: I get knocked down, but I get up again. Tonight I summon three spirits of deed: Honi the Circle-drawer, Souha Bechara and Chumbawamba. I call for them. Who am ‘I’? Your medium, a story-teller, a witness, a vessel, a translator, a quote, a representation, a lecturer getting too close to her object(s) of study.


Praktischer Workshop im Rahmen der Reihe »The Short Now«

02.12.–04.12.2020 | jeweils 14:00–18:00 | Raum: Figurentheater

Participants will develop their own (real or fictitious) biography emerging from (individual or collective) memories, history, language and cultural heritage, while negotiating personal tales within the social context of a group. Combining several disciplines, the workshop functions as a proposal for creative people to involve their private queries within the liberating frame of a research space.



Li Lorian (Jerusalem/Gießen) arbeitet in den Feldern Theater, Video, Bildende Kunst, sowie als Performerin. In ihrem künstlerischen Prozess untersucht sie visuelle Sprache und neue Praktiken der Performance.  Dabei interessiert sie sich insbesondere für politische Situationen und dafür, wie dokumentarische Elemente in poetische Mittel überführt werden können. »


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